Tallangatta Community Garden / 2021

The Garden by the Lakeside was developed in partnership with the Tallangatta community and the local health centre. The project recognises the important health implications of fresh fruit and vegetable consumption in our diets, but the garden will also be associated with greater well-being and the benefits that come from working communally. The sloping site has been terraced, and paths designed to allow access for all and aims to provide a variety of spaces to work and relax in. The plan provides a structure, not one that needs to be slavishly followed or implemented only by professionals. It can respond to donations of materials and plants without being compromised and provides a neat framework that can accommodate a certain amount of messiness of unskilled construction and a real diversity of planted species. The garden will have many ‘designers’ each contributing over time. This project is currently under construction.


Roxby Downs / BMX pump track


Packing / public art project